Invest smart,
Play the money Art!

  • Earn minimum 2.5% every day
  • 1 year Lockup period
  • Capital Protection and Fast withdrawal

Why you should Choose Ticker Tags


Daily earnings

The longer you lock up, the more you’ll earn with compound earnings.


Guaranteed fixed rate

Enjoy the same earn rate from the first day until the last day of your lockup.


No deposit limits

Deposit and earn as much as you want.


Adjustable lockup period

Choose a lockup period from 15 to 365 days.


Flexible earning withdrawals

Withdraw your daily earnings whenever you want.


No hidden fees

Enjoy daily earnings without extra fees.

Still Hesitating?

Our members are already earning crypto every day.

Timely Payouts

Since our launch in 2019, we’ve successfully paid out earnings to our members 9.7M+ times, all on time.

Long Term Lockups

60% of our members have locked up with Earn Plus for 330+ days.

Easy Access

Start Earn Plus whenever you want, always.

Unlock Early

Freeze Marketplace allows you to buy and sell your existing lockup products.

Every day is payday—
get up to 2% Daily Return

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